
Showing posts from January, 2021

Homeschool Planning?

Photo by Heather This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  As you are preparing for the next homeschool year, remember, homeschooling isn’t always about a textbook. While you are filling your planner full of plans for school lessons and activities, don’t forget to intentionally schedule down times too.  There will be days you and your children will just need to get out and enjoy the sun.  So, instead of bad weather days, try to include “Sun” days, “Fun” days. These days can lead to lots of fun and exploring. It gives your kids a chance to learn about some things outside that just may not be in a textbook. Hopefully these moments will refresh your homeschool when it starts to feel dull. Homeschooling isn’t only about academic education. It is also about learning life skills, building relationships, growing as a family, and our perso

A Prayer for Yourself as a Wife and for Your Marriage

As you pray for others, don't forget to pray for yourself. Photo by Heather Being a wife is hard work. No one can prepare you for this role in your life. Although we have many similarities that show we are women, every woman is unique in her own way.  We all have emotions and react to life situations differently.   We have different gifts and talents from the Lord, as well as, different strengths and weaknesses. Some of us were born with a meek and quiet spirit, while others have a very strong will, with a boldness we struggle to tame. Just as women have similarities and differences, so does marriage. Each marriage is unique. While marriages may appear similar, they all have different couples. Each couple has their own set of personalities, talents, gifts, strengths, weaknesses, struggles, and gifts from the Lord. But there is one thing every woman and marriage has in common. We all have the same Lord and Savior to lean on. Jesus is there when we just need to talk. Jesus is there t

Celebrate the Firsts, but Don't Miss the Lasts

Memories from the past are sweet blessings. Celebrate the first, but don't miss the lasts.  Photo by Heather We always get excited and talk about all of our children's firsts. Their first... tooth... steps... word... birthday... game... sleepover... day of school... and on and on and on. All of these things are blessings, and I believe we should rejoice and celebrate with our children. We should encourage them along the way as they experience many firsts. But....along their journey, there will also be many lasts. Now that I have two grown children and a high schooler, I know how quickly the lasts can appear. Some of the lasts are easy to see.  Their last.... day of daycare... day of elementary school... soccer game.. tumbling class... day of junior high...high school... time to carpool... day at home before moving out... You know this list can go on for miles and miles.  I also know there are many lasts that are not so easily recognized. They see

Living Life Wore Out

Living Wore out is not how the Lord planned for me to live. Photo by Heather There are days I just really want to stay in bed, but there is no way that can happen.  From the moment the alarm clock shouts time to get up! I have responsibilities demanding my attention. Oh Gosh! Have I really snoozed my alarm for the 4th time?  I would love to hit the snooze button on the days I wake up feeling groggy instead of refreshed. I do try to prepare for each day the night before, on most days. Part of preparing for the next day includes going to bed at a decent time, so I have enough sleep. However, sometimes it does not matter if I go to bed early. I still won't get enough sleep. I wake up groggy, clumsy, with  no energy, and without motivation. I try to sleep. It just seems I cannot relax enough to go to sleep, or to even quiet my mind. Maybe this is due to having a busy or just plain old stressful day. As I lay in bed wide awake, but feeling exhausted, I just know the following day will b

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