Homeschool Planning?

Photo by Heather This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  As you are preparing for the next homeschool year, remember, homeschooling isn’t always about a textbook. While you are filling your planner full of plans for school lessons and activities, don’t forget to intentionally schedule down times too.  There will be days you and your children will just need to get out and enjoy the sun.  So, instead of bad weather days, try to include “Sun” days, “Fun” days. These days can lead to lots of fun and exploring. It gives your kids a chance to learn about some things outside that just may not be in a textbook. Hopefully these moments will refresh your homeschool when it starts to feel dull. Homeschooling isn’t only about academic education. It is also about learning life skills, building relationships, growing as a family, and our perso



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